Monday, November 5, 2007

Undead: Banshee

The trick with this fig was to keep the shading and highlighting as subtle as possible.

A lot of ethereals I've seen tend to stick to a single colour to indicate ghostliness, but I wanted to create something a little more interesting. I picked various parts of the model and worked down from an almost white base coat using different shades of blue or blue-grey to blend into the crevices. The top highlight then was white. For the skin I mixed in a little Damsel Flesh highlighted up with white and shaded down with blue-grey.
I made the hair a little darker than the rest because I noticed when I was about to do it that the figure had accidentally moved from bright at the base to darker at the top, so it semed natural to keep that going.
I've been working on a Wood Elf Spellsinger (the floating one) in the same colours, which I'll post up soon.

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